Saturday, July 20, 2013

Making Healthy Changes!

Before I ever decided or even knew I wanted to live a healthy lifestyle my eating habits and daily physical activity were the complete opposite of what they are today.
My daily foods consisted of things like boxed cereal, diet soda, commercial cookies, fruit snacks, gummy sour candies, milk chocolate, chips, etc.
My physical activity was almost just as pathetic. I would watch hours of TV during the day and sit at the computer until the late hours past midnight. Eating until almost just as late.
I slowly began to change this dangerous cycle of unhealthy habits over the next few years. Not always being consistent with my newer and healthier ways and sometimes even having a few days in a row of temptations with junk foods and inactivity. Over the next couple years experiencing countless times of falling off a healthy lifestyle every few weeks I finally accepted the fact I had known all along... It only left me feeling guilty, physically uncomfortable with my body, and physically uncomfortable on the inside as well (literally in pain) from the negative effects of processed foods.
I finally decided to completely give up on certain things I just knew I didn't need. One example being candy and ice cream. Some of my favorite guilty pleasures which are now of extremely little temptation to me if at all.
I have made huge changes in my life when it comes to health and fitness. These changes have helped me grow in so many other ways. They have made me more determined, disciplined in all aspects of life, successful, happier and more positive, improved mental clarity and alertness along with memory improvements, ability to absorb information better, immune health (only been sick once in the last few years, no flu shot needed).
My new guilty pleasure I go to when cheating are granola, fruit, unportioned peanut butter, frozen yogurt (on occasion) pizza (on special occasion). The only grains I allow myself or even desire to eat now are oats, quinoa, sprouted wheat bread, and brown rice cakes. No pasta of any kind, no baked pastries and absolutely no temptation for them. (Don't get me wrong, carrot cake with cream cheese frosting still sound amazing) but I am not tempted to eat it even just by thinking about the satisfaction I can get from say, a plain rice cake topped with almond butter, sliced banana or apple with a sprinkle of cinnamon and drizzle of honey.
The reason I write this post is because lately I have been getting down on myself for not being as perfect as I could be with my diet. I sometimes eat a complex carb a little later than I "should" or I will have a little more than just 1/4 cup serving of raw trail mix, or I don't drink a full gallon of water one day. I realized just how hard I am on myself sometimes and that I shouldn't be. To really think about the drastic changes I have made in my life and to see what I now consider to be guilty for compared to years ago... I need not be stressed when I "slip" occasionally. Yes, it's good to keep yourself in check and hold yourself accountable but every hour and everyday is a new day, something so small can be corrected and shouldn't be the end of the world. Be proud of your healthy changes, don't be over obsessive but also don't neglect your healthy habits. Find a healthy balance both mentally and physically!
I guess this post is kind of more like a journal entry for myself but maybe you have been or are in a similar situation now and need the same reminder as myself... That's all! Have a happy, healthy and balanced weekend!