I know many people who go to measures of starvation as long as they possibly can, in hopes of "looking good/skinny/fit". Of all these people, not one person is in the physical-mental shape/health they desire to be. Not to mention how irritable and moody they must feel getting no vital nutrients and most likely being sleep deprived due to hunger!
I feel that this is a common mistake a lot of people are still making. They think that less food or (meals) is better for losing/maintaining weight.
Unfortunately, these people have been miseducated or not educated at all. Hopefully, if you are one of those people or if you know someone who thinks this way, we can help them gain better health today!
People will starve themselves to lose weight! Eventually you are going to have to eat if you want to stay alive! A hormone called ghrelin keeps building up the longer you deprive your body of needed nutrients/food. Ghrelin will cause you to over eat, and when you finally do eat, your body is going to hold onto every last bit of food you consume because it doesn't know when you will be feeding it again. Starving yourself is definitely out of the question for maintaining a healthy body.
A healthy body/weight can be attained by eating small meals every 3-4 hours containing a serving of lean protein (palm size) like (bison, chicken, fish, grass-fed steak, ground turkey, whole turkey) a complex carbohydrate (1/3-1/2 cup) like (brown rice, oats, quinoa, red potato, sprouted bread, sweet potato) a fibrous carbohydrate (1-2 cups) like (asparagus, broccoli, brussel sprouts, butter lettuce, spinach). You will also want to have healthy fats like (almonds, avocado, coconut oil, flaxseed, olive oil, walnuts) spread out with about half of your meals each day. Fat servings: oil (1tsp), nuts (1/4 cup), avocado (1/4).
Be sure to drink plenty of water/unsweet tea before, after, in between meals to help with digestion. I drink 3-4 liters a day. (Almost a gallon).
Just while typing this and thinking about the meals I eat each day and how much they satisfy my hunger while keeping my body healthy and in shape, there is no way I would ever consider starving myself! Why suffer and gain temporary results when you can have plenty of food and lasting results?
While nourishing your body with the proper nutrients, vitamins, hydration you will also be anti-aging. You will have younger, smoother, glowing skin instead of a diet of little to no food which provides a dull, sickly, and/or wrinkly appearance.
If you want to have awesome energy, mood, great skin, and be at a healthy weight then don't starve yourself!
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