Wednesday, December 5, 2012

5 Star Body!

During my workout I like to do (and unconsciously do) a lot of thinking. I have my hat down and headphones in with my music as loud as it will go. I am focusing on my workout and goals ONLY! Occasionally I will zone out of the lyrics of the song and get deep into thought about things that fire up my passion for this lifestyle - (new recipes, new workouts, future goals and how I will achieve them, ways to improve all aspects of my life, etc).
I don't have a workout buddy and never really have. I used to think I wanted one but now thinking about it, the gym really is my "alone time" a time for me to really focus on self improvement and my lifelong goals. Even with everyone surrounding me in the weight room and on the cardio machines, I have no distractions, because I choose not to. The only person I socialize with is myself!

During my leg workout tonight I was thinking about all of the things I find most valuable in creating a 5 star body. These things all work together for me and I think they could be helpful for others who are trying to achieve their health and fitness goals. So here are the 5 valuable points that bring me success!

1. Faith - I think it is so important to have faith in yourself in all aspects. You need to believe in yourself. Knowing that you can conquer any obstacles that will come your way. It could be related to learning how to cook healthy meals, finding the time to make it to the gym 5 days a week, having the ability to choose healthy options when temptations are at your fingertips, trying a new fitness class, accomplishing a list of goals with a time frame, etc. No matter what it may be, you have to have faith that you CAN do it! Don't let yourself think any differently. Negative thoughts, self discouragement, or fear are the only things that will hold you back. Believe in yourself and visualize yourself accomplishing your goals and with time and patience you WILL!

2. Discipline - This is another valuable key that can't be left out. Living this lifestyle takes daily discipline. Initially it takes a lot more time to discipline yourself but eventually it becomes habitual. It is something that you will always need to maintain and keep in check though. For example: preparing your food for the day or week ahead of you, choosing healthy vs unhealthy options, sticking to a timed eating schedule, dedicating part of your day to an intense workout, doing that dreaded cardio a few days a week, getting the proper amount of sleep, drinking more water than you may want to, etc. All of these things take discipline. At first it might be tough but eventually you will adapt and it will become natural.

3. Fuel/Hydration - These are pretty obvious to most people but I think that they are worth listing because you will absolutely not achieve a 5 star body without them. Some people actually think that if they workout hard enough and long enough, that they can eat whatever they want. This doesn't work! A healthy diet is crucial to your success. Try thinking of food as fuel for your body. Don't eat certain foods for comfort, eat the right foods because your body needs them. Also, don't eat when you want to, eat when you need to. Be consistent, everyday! You can get way more out of a healthy meal than something unhealthy. Healthy food will leave you feeling energized and happy while unhealthy food leaves you sluggish and depressed. Your tastebuds change every 5-7 days, so be patient and discipline yourself. Hydrating is just as important. Your muscles and body are made up of over 70% water. Your body depends on proper hydration. It gives you energy during your workouts, keeps your muscles from cramping, flushes out toxins, aids in digestion, etc. The benefits are endless.

4. Supplements - When I say supplements, I mean vitamins. I'm not talking about fat burners and pre-workout energy drinks. I was never big into supplements when I first got into fitness. I didn't know much about them and I thought they were a waste of money. I finally did my research through credible websites. Reading through tons of information about which vitamins were the most important, why and how they worked with the body. I started taking a whole foods multivitamin, 5,000 IU's+ D3, vitamin k2, krill oil, astaxanthin, vitamin C, calcium, and vitamin B complex. The first five listed are my must have vitamins. I will write a separate post about why I take each vitamin. But, after not taking these vitamins for a few months I noticed a major difference in my energy, happiness, joints, etc. I never knew just how well they worked until I stopped taking them. I couldn't believe just how much they improved my quality of life. They are a gift to me. I like to buy my quality vitamins for an incredible price at:
Another supplement I recently started taking is BCAA's with glutamine. They improve strength, endurance, recovery time, immune system, and so much more. Since I began taking them almost 2 months ago, I have increased my lifts with complete ease, I have been able to run further and faster without getting fatigued, I have also noticed very little muscle soreness after even the most intense workouts. Sometimes it makes me wonder if I worked out hard enough! I love my BCAA/glutamine by USP Labs!

5. Music - This is what keeps me upbeat, motivated, and in a great mood during my workouts. I don't think I would be nearly as successful in the gym without my beats blasting through my headphones during my sweat sessions. I think music moves you and pushes you harder than you would go without it. Every time I put new music with super fast beats and great/inspiring lyrics on my iPod it's like I just got a boost of new energy to destroy my workout. For awhile I couldn't update my iPod and I had the same old music and none of it was really motivating me the way I wanted it to. Once I got new songs that really moved me I went from jump roping 120 jumps in 60 seconds to 150 jumps in 60 seconds. I did 30 more jumps and that was on my 3rd set after doing other leg superset exercises prior. The intense focus and motivation came from what I was listening to and feeling from it.

Is there anything I didn't list here that is a must for you to get your best body? These are my key pointers and I really hope that they can help you or give you something to think about! Thanks for reading!

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