My thoughts on fear and courage...
Fear comes from the Devil courage comes from God.
The devil is fake, foolish, unimportant, deceitful, and a liar.
God is love, strength, all knowing, honest, worthy, humble, and so much more!
I feel that so many people keep from reaching their full potential due to fear. I was one of those people who struggled with fear up until very recently in some parts of my life. Fear of rejection and not being good enough. All of these fears I had were keeping me from reaching my destination to success, happiness, and peace. I am still traveling through this journey (life) and I know that fear aka the Devil will try to overcome me time and time again, but I need to shove those ridiculous thoughts and feelings (lies) away with the strength of God and the courage He brings (truth).
Ever since I changed my mentality only good has come of it! Had I stayed in the mindset I was in, I would be stuck in the same depressing position I had been in. It's something you really have to think about,you have to know it and believe that you are worthy of extraordinary things! God created us all equally and not one person in this world is better than another. You have to believe this and believe in yourself and I promise great things will start happening for you!
Write a list of all the things you want to accomplish and another list of all of your great qualities that you and others see in you. Let these be a reminder of where you want to be and why you will get there! You are worth it!
I,too, struggle with fear and insecurity. I am not going to let it hold me back in 2013! Good post. :)