Friday, January 13, 2012

Ashley Horner Online!

I don't even really know where or how to begin this blog. I guess I will just repeat the title and go with what first pops into my head! Ashley Horner Online! This girl in one word: BADASS! This girl literally blows my mind away!

I discovered her after my fitness blog-friend Lindsay Cappotelli posted a link on Facebook with her youtube video. I watched the video right upon waking up and it made my day! Actually, to be more precise, it (she) changed my life!!!

I have never seen someone, especially a girl her age (27, I believe) with so much discipline, drive, passion, fearlessness, and love for fitness. She is making a difference in so many lives of those around her! She has truly inspired so many people! From those who are struggling with thier health to those who are competing in the fitness industry today! Just visiting her Facebook page is proof! I have never seen so many long, emotionally touching thank you's on any other page! I added one to the list of course!!!

FYI! She has two boys under the ages of six, I believe. She also has a husband in the navy who is away in the desert. Somehow she finds the strength to get it all done! She started her journey about 5 years ago after having her first son. She has worked so hard and built up her body & mind and is creating a name for herself. A name that I know will never be forgotten!

She speaks from her heart and her words are even more powerful than her body! Don't get me wrong, this girl is strong! I don't have to tell you that either! You will see it yourself, after watching her youtube channel. But, what I'm saying is that her words of wisdom will long endure after her body! (Just as she wants them to)!

I watched video, after video! With each video I watched I grew more inspired and more fearless of my dream than ever before! I gained more confidence in all aspects of my life, not just fitness related! She makes me want to be an even better person than I currently am! She see's the good in everyone, and makes the best of every situation! I think we should all do this! The world would be a much happier place!

I could go on and on about this girl but seriously... My words won't do her justice. You have to see for yourself! If you want to be healthier, happier, inspired, pushed or whatever it may be... I can promise you that NOT getting to know Ashley Horner will be the biggest mistake you ever did make!

Get to know Ashley Horner!

One of many powerful & inspiring quotes of hers! This is on my phone, printed on my workout binder, and in my head forever!

"When you want something so bad you think about it every second of the day... You dream about it at night. You research, study & you mold your entire life around it. You feel like you were made to do be or become this one person to accomplish this one goal & no matter the sacrifice or the risk and no matter how many times you get turned away, you smile b/c you know...soon you will live in that dream."


  1. Her videos are awesome, and totally motivated me even more!! I admire her for her drive and determination, and she looks aMAZing!

  2. is she a bit intimidating? just my impression
