Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Healthy Taco Salad!

I don't know very many people who do not enjoy mexican food. When I hear the words mexican food, I usually think "fattening" & "greasy". Almost as if it were going to be a cheat meal choice. Well... I have a delicious recipe I threw together that reminds me of a mexican cheat dish without all the fat and grease! This is one of the easiest recipes and with how it tastes, it seems as though it would take some time to make, but it doesn't! I can make this meal in less than 10 minutes once the meat is prepared. It is loaded with healthy fats for energy, plenty vegetables and fruit for vitamin intake, and lean turkey which is helpful in muscle recovery!

Healthy Taco Salad

* Cook 1 package of lean ground turkey (1.25 lbs) & add 1/4 cup taco seasoning.
* Cut, rinse, and spin 4-5 leaves of grean leaf lettuce or romaine lettuce.
* Dice 1 tomato into small-medium sized pieces.
* Dice 1/4 of an avacado.
* Prepare 1/8 cup shredded mexican cheese
* Prepare 1/8 cup sliced black olives.
* Prepare 1/8 cup desired salsa.
* Prepare a dollop of non-fat, plain greek yogurt.
* Prepare & lightly crush 1 serving of corn tortilla chips (healthiest brand possible)

How I create my salad:
I first add the lettuce into a large salad bowl or tupperware container. I then layer ingredients in this order: shredded cheese, 4oz ground turkey, olives, salsa, tomatoes, avacado, greek yogurt, crushed chips.

(Once the meat is cooked, I like to store it in a sealed container and refrigerate for the weeks salads or other meal ideas that it can be used for.)

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