Sunday, March 4, 2012

100 Calorie Packs.

Don't be fooled! I am sure that everyone has seen the 100 calorie packs that come in many varieties; cookies, cupcakes, chips, ice cream bars, fruit snacks, rice cakes, to name a few! I can tell you from first hand experience that they are a waste of money (totally over-priced) and not a good option for those looking to manage their weight (empty calories). I will admit that I have actually eaten an entire box of them in one day, along with my regular meals! What once was supposed to be a guiltless 100 calories turns into a meals worth of 600 calories! Wait... I'm not done! And... the snack craving doesn't go away, it only grows larger. This is because they have absolutely no nutrition and are loaded with preservatives and other "things" that make you crave more and more "things".
Instead of wasting your time and money, grab a healthy snack that will actually keep you full and satisfied until your next meal. You can buy a bowl full of fruit for the price of one 100 calorie pack box! Some healthy & smart options include: apple slices & peanut butter, cottage cheese & diced peaches with walnuts, rice cake topped with peanut butter & banana slices, homemade protein bars, veggies & hummus with almonds, or healthy ice cream cookie (by: ashley horner). 
Get creative and think of whatever you want, as long as it is healthy and portioned correctly! Be sure to always pair a protein with your carb & add in a small amount of healthy fats occasionally throughout the day.
Remember... Stay away from the calorie packs & prepare your healthy snacks! If you have any snacks that I haven't listed, I would love to hear your ideas! Please don't hesitate to share! Have a happy & healthy day! Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Krystal,

    Here's a couple more snack ideas.. Cherrie tomoatos, Hearts of palm, Artichoke hearts (and my girls favorite) Edamame (soy beans). Great blog by the way.. Also Greek yogurt with blueberries.. Yum. (I'm sure you already eat that..)
