Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Self-Worthy Competition!

If you don't have a partner for that extra support sometimes it can be a bit of a challenge to stay motivated all the time. Lifes difficulties and daily stresses can easily break us down if we are not strong enough to let them pass by with ease and just grow from them instead of letting them get the best of us. I workout alone, do my meal planning alone, look for/create recipes alone, create/search for workouts alone, prepare my weekly food alone, and do most of my cooking alone. I create, study, and accomplish all of my goals alone. This might sound like a challenge and sometimes it is (especially when your significant other/family isn't nearly all as into it is you). This is no excuse for failure to reach success. Plus, would it really be worth it if it wasn't a challenge? I don't think so! If everyone could just have the perfect body with the perfect health then that would be AMAZING! Unfortunately, life doesn't work that way. So you must challenge your strengths and weaknesses each and everyday and only grow stronger mentally and physically from each block you have tackled! I promise that in the end you will feel all that more proud of yourself and be much more likely to maintain a healthy lifestyle forever!

If you need some motivation just look in the mirror. If you are not happy then tell yourself right then and there that you are going to turn your frown upside down! You are going to challenge yourself to a personal competition! You are going to out-do the OLD YOU and let the NEW YOU shine brighter than ever! Your opponent is going to be your concious! When you want to stay at home and lounge instead of going to the gym you are going to have to talk to yourself and beat your minds comfort zone! When your mind tells you to eat that cookie/bread/ice cream/bag of chips/or whatever... the new you is going to have to challenge the old you. This is where your strength, discipline, dedication, drive, fearlessness, courage, and passion must come through with full force and stronger than ever! It is important to constantly be in tune with your thoughts and replace any negatives with positives.

You literally need to enthusiastically talk yourself through any temptation that will not lead you closer to success! Tell yourself exactly WHY you are choosing a good behavior over a bad behavior (let it be a reminder each day as to why you make the right health choices while so many others are making the wrong health choices), doing so will keep you consistent! Be your old you's worst enemy! Eventually when you become consistent in this practice your body image, energy levels, and positive mood will be the reminder as to why you challenge yourself each day to become a healthier and stronger version of your old self! You will look and feel so amazing and eventually all of those challenges will become accomplishments! You will not see healthy choices as being obstacles, but more so as rewards to your health because you deserve nothing less than success!

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