Sunday, May 27, 2012

Sunday Message Notes!


We are all in process.

Christ gives me the strength to thrive no matter what season of the process I am in.

* Build the wall in front of your own house.
* Do what's in front of you, and do it well!
* You want to do what you want to do, but you need to do what the Lord wants you to do!
* You are called to do your assignment. (Be faithful and obedient).
* Don't let ambition drive you. Do your assignment.

If your assignment is delivering pizzas, then do it & do it really well! Start building the wall in front of you first!
God is extremely good at getting you where He wants to get you, when He wants to get you there, and how He wants to get you there.
Embrace where the Lord is putting you in the process.
Don't rush the process. The process prepares you for what God has planned for you. It helps you receive and sustain what He has planned for you.
We want to skip, rush, and get frustrated with the process, but we can't embrace it if we don't do our assignment. If you rush the process, it doesn't go well.
The process will allow us to grow where our internal world is always bigger than our external world.
If we rush the process we will not be able to carry what God has for us.
God's process isn't linear. It doesn't go from A-Z. It's more like, from A to G to B to K and back to B!!! Don't justify skipping steps to rush the process. If you find yourself wanting to rush the process, it's a trust issue.
Trust God!
It's God's grace that allows us to be in the process!
We are not as far along as we think we are!
God is not passionate about your comfort, He is passionate about your growth!
Growing is being STRETCHED!
He isn't requiring full maturity or perfection, just growth! God shows you then He grows you!

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